Personal Branding

On 12th February 2013, there was guest lecture by Mr. Joshua Rozario on Personal Branding to accelerate growth. Mr. Rozario briefed us on personal branding, its need and importance in today’s dynamic world. He briefed us on how to build our brand which would act as a catalyst in boosting the individual growth. He made us realize that we should focus on increasing our value and employability in the market.

Mr. Rozario told us that Brand is what we think, feel and perceive about us and our uniqueness. He defined Personal Branding as the way in which the individuals differentiate themselves and stand out from a crowd by identifying and articulating their unique value proposition. He also told that Personal Banding should be done to showcase ownership and to differentiate ourselves from others.

He also mentioned various myths busting- Personal Branding like Personal Branding is not about building image rather it focuses on building brands and also it is also not about pursuing fame.

He told us the importance of Personal Branding in the present era. Some of the pointers are listed below.
  • ·         Personal Branding helps to define who we really are.
  • ·         It helps to improve our perceived value in the market place.
  • ·         It helps us to stand out and differentiate ourselves from our peers and colleagues.
  • ·         It accelerates our career growth.

Mr. Rozario mentioned the four steps to Personal Branding viz. discover, define, develop and deliver. He also stressed upon the importance of effective communication. He said that a person should communicate in the way in which the recipient should get the message in the same sense as it is meant so that we can get the best results.

The session was very interesting as Mr. Rozario made it very hilarious with his wit and real life humorous experiences but at the same time he was able to convey the message very effectively. It was an astounding session and it may prove very fruitful for us to build our personal brand as we will be exposed to the market in just a few months. It was really a privilege to get useful insights from such a laudable person.

 By: Mansi Parikh
Hey! I am Riya... Your Admission Assistant.