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NBA Workshop @ ISME

As part of its constant strive to keep the student learning process contemporary, purposeful and industry-suitable, ISME management had organised a half-day NBA Workshop for the academic staff on the 14th April 2016.
Dr. K N Subramanya, Principal and Professor of R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, with his rich experience in getting various academic institutions getting accredited by National Board of Accreditations (NBA), steered the whole discussion. As this workshop was a part of a series of workshops to be held on the topic, the focus of discussion was mostly on the need and importance of such an accreditation process. Dr. Subramanya’s presentation highlighted the changing perspectives of higher education in India and the basic minimum ingredients in academic delivery required to meet the changing needs.
Dr. T N Sreenivasa, Principal, AMC College of Engineering, Bangalore spoke about the desirability and worth of the accreditation for an institute like ISME in the long run and was also appraising of facts regarding the already existing processes at ISME that match with NBA requirements. 
Prof. Niting Garg, Director – ISME, briefed the resource persons about the processes followed by ISME and expressed his comfort in terms of smooth alignment into the new process.
Compiled by ISME Literary Club
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