Explore - Experience - Excel

International Conference 2022


About the Conference

Contemporary management issues often trigger in us the need to think differently from customary and time tested management practices. In a dynamic environment, new issues create the need to develop and enhance tools and practices that facilitate more adaptive responses to emerging issues when they surface.

Contemporary issues are particularly relevant to the present time of pandemic where it is important for all organisations world-wide to embrace the continuous changes in technology, economy, environment, and government policies across all sectors while remaining focused on the organisational mission and goals to remain competitive. The rise in technology adoption by businesses and consumers, economic fallout of the pandemic across the word, the rise of China as a global belligerent force and government policies moving towards a more nationalist agenda are some of the more recent changes that confront businesses and management today.

This conference will be a platform for industry practitioners, academicians, entrepreneurs and research scholars to come to together, to learn, share and discuss current and emerging topics in management with thought leaders, technologists, and learning experts. This would be a great knowledge sharing event for a diverse audience embracing international and national participants. The event has inspirational keynote speakers, practitioner-led workshop sessions, and mutually beneficial networking opportunities.This conference is funded by AIMS (Association of Indian Management Schools).

We invite original papers from interested professionals and researchers to present and participate in the conference in response to the uncertain and complex scenarios and to interconnect all these issues with business sustainability and excellence.

· Pre-conference workshop on “Model Building and Developing Research Hypothesis”
· Panel discussion on “Future of Business Forecasting”
· Conference will be held in blended mode
· Publication opportunities for selected papers in Scopus and ABDC indexed journals


• All papers selected for presentation and subsequently presented by the registered author(s) in the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN.
• Selected good quality papers will be invited for review and potential publication in

  • ABDC Indexed Journal Empirical Economics Letters
  • Special issue of a Scopus Indexed journal
  • UGC-Care Listed Journal/ Peer-Reviewed Journal
  • For publication, submission, review, and processing will strictly adhere to the norms of the publishing journal

Conference Tracks

TRACK 1: Political and Economic Environment

  • Reverse Globalization
  • Reviving Economies after Covid
  • Circular Economy
  • Disposable Income
  • Environmental Expectations

TRACK 2: Business Excellence & Sustainability: Manufacturing, Services and Agricultural   Sector

  • Industrial Revolution 5.0
  • Indian industry being self-reliant
  • Renewable Energy
  • Impact of contactless on service sector
  • Growth of wellness in healthcare
  • Business sustainability management during pandemic
  • Supply Chain transformation in agricultural sector
  • Reverse Supply Chain

TRACK 3: Functional areas of Business

  • Adversity quotient during challenging time
  • Employee engagement and motivation during and post covid
  • Emerging work force trends in new normal (Hybrid, WF 4.0)
  • AR,VR & AI ,ChatBot in marketing
  • Marketing to GenZ
  • Shift  in media practices
  • Changing consumer buying behavior during Covid
  • Factory automation for remote  operations
  • New Business models and evolution of SCM
  • Omni Channel
  • Regulatory Ecosystem for Fintech – P2P Lending, Crowd funding, Payments, Crypto currencies
  • Artificial liquidity and its impact on stock market
  • Trends in startup Financing
  • ESG- Environment sustainability and Governance in finance

TRACK-4: Management of Technology

  • Responsible AI
  • Cloud Adoption & Risk Management
  • Remote management of technology infrastructure
  • Emergence of Data Engineering and Data Technology
  • Cyberbullying & Cyber Crime
  • Internet Addiction

TRACK-5: Redefining Management Education

  • NEP and its impact
  • Paradigm shift to Hybrid learning
  • Psychological implications of online learning
  • Edtech
  • Digital Divide and its impact
    1. Full paper should be between 3000 to 6000 words. – Spacing: 1.5, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 Points , Margin of one inch all around
    2. Title page: The title page of manuscript must include the title of the theme, names of authors including the corresponding author, affiliations, phone numbers & email.
    3. The abstract of about 300 words must include the purpose, methodology, major findings of the research and the keywords. It should follow the guidelines given below:
      · Length and reference : 300 words; Font: Times New Roman; Font Size: 12 points; 1.5 space, Keywords (maximum 5)
    4. References: APA formatting style. All tables, charts and graphs should be given on separate sheets with title.
    5. Paper must have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere an undertaking to this effect should appear in the cover letter / email.
    6. Full paper has to be submitted to
Full Paper Submission3rd January 2023
Acceptance Notification31st January 2023
Conference Date24th & 25th February 2023


Academicians:INR 2000
Industry/Corporate delegates:INR 2500
Research Scholars:INR 1500
Students:INR 500
Foreign Delegates:USD 50
  • For registrations visit
  • Registration fee includes Tea, Snacks, Lunch and Conference Kits.
  • Limited Accommodation available
Mr Nitin GargDirector, ISME
Mr Vivek GargDirector, ISME
Dr Anand JoshiMentor, ISME
 Conference Chairs
Conference ChairDr. Rony G Kurien, Dean, ISME
Conference Co-ChairDr. Shampa Nandi: Professor, Principal - PG Programs, ISME
 Advisory Committee
Dr. Gopakumar ThampiAdvisor, The Asia Foundation
Dr. Jitendra MishraHoD - Research, Jain University
Dr. Nilanjana BahaduriSenior Director - Learning & Organization Development, Cyient
Dr. Nandeesh V HiremathDean - Academics, NSB Business School.
 Organizing Committee
Dr. Nisha Mary ThomasCoordinator, Research Department, ISME
Prof. Rema VishwanathanProfessor, Principal - UG Programs, ISME
Prof. S. HarithaProfessor, UG Programs, ISME
Dr. R. RatchanaProfessor, UG Programs, ISME
Dr. M.S. AnnapoornaProfessor, UG Programs, ISME
Dr. S. Shyam PrasadProfessor, PG Programs, ISME
Prof. Shurlly TiwariProfessor, PG Program, ISME
Dr. Sindhu Shantha NairProfessor, PG Program, ISME

Conference Venue

International School of Management Excellence 88, Chembanahalli, Near Dommasandra Circle, Sarjapura Road, Bangalore Karnataka,
India – 562125

Dr Jane Thomason, Board Advisory| Non Executive Director | Blockchain, DeFi &Frontier Technology for Social Impact | Health Tech | Futurist |Author|

Dr Jane Thomason has featured in Forbes (2018) as a Blockchains’ leading social evangelist and in multiple awards including: Top 100 Women in Crypto, Crypto Curry Club (2020); Women in GovTech 2019; 10 Digital Frontier Women, UN Decade Of Women (2018); UN Decade of Women Quantum Impact Champion (2018); Lattice Top 100 Fintech Influencers for SDGs (2018); Thinkers 360 Top 20 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on HealthTech; and Blockchain; and Sustainability. (2021). She has Authored more than 40 articles in peer reviewed journals, and 6 books; and multiple book chapters including “Blockchain Technology for Global Social Change” and “Blockchaining the World.” Consulted to and provided Blockchain expert advice to WHO, OECD, ADB, USAID and Commonwealth Secretariat. Dr Jane Thomason is the Co-Founder of British Blockchain and Frontier Technology Association, UK; Industry Associate at University College London, Centre for Blockchain; Section Chief Editor for Frontiers in Blockchain; Ambassador for Fintech Diversity Radar and an Advisor in Kerala Blockchain association, African Blockchain centre of excellence. She has got a successful track record of leadership globally including: CEO and Chair of leading hospitals, Senior Social Sector Specialist at Asian Development Bank and founder of successful international development company which reached $250 million revenue.

Dr. Vasanthi Srinivasan, Professor – Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management, Chairperson – Digital Learning, IIM-Bangalore

Vasanthi Srinivasan is a Professor of Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management and Chairperson, Digital Learning at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Her research interests are in the field of Multi-generations in the workplace, Women in Management and Boards, Ethics Teaching in Business Schools, HRM in Rapid Growth Organizations and Ethics, and CSR in Micro, Small and Mid-sized enterprises. She has published research in many leading international journals on HR Innovation, Leadership development, Work-Family balance, Ethics and Management Research in India etc. She was an Indian Council for Cultural Relations Chair Professor for Corporate responsibility at the HHL Graduate School of Management Leipzig, Germany for the period 2012-13 on deputation. She was also a British Council Visiting Scholar at the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at the Nottingham University Business School. Vasanthi Srinivasan has consulted extensively for both Indian and multinational companies in the field of leadership development. She has designed, developed, and delivered programmes to build the leadership pipeline for organizations. She has worked with technology and R&D organizations to build their technical leadership talent. She has also designed and delivered “Tanmatra: Women in Leadership” – a leadership development programme exclusively for senior women leaders in business in collaboration with Catalyst India and IBM.

Dr. Senthil Veeraraghavan, Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, Wharton University of Pennsylvania

Senthil Veeraraghavan is a Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions in Wharton University of Pennsylvania. His research interests are in the field of empirical operations management, operations analytics, operations management, operations strategy, pricing and revenue management, service operations management, supply chain management. His research has appeared in Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management journals.  His research on Quality Speed Trade-offs in services won the first ever award for Best paper in Operations published in Management Science. Recently, Senthil Veeraraghavan advised a undergraduate thesis on a project that received Class of 2018 Penn President’s Engagement Prize,  awarded to senior projects designed to make a substantial, sustainable impact in the world. Currently, Senthil teaches Operations Strategy, for which he has received several Wharton Excellence in Teaching Awards. Senthil graduated from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and received his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Srinivas Sridharan, Associate Professor of Marketing, Monash University, Australia

Srinivas Sridharan is Associate professor of Marketing at Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia. Srinivas has taught courses in Marketing Theory, Marketing Strategy and Marketing Implementation, Sustainability Marketing, and Shaping Ethical Marketplaces; to students ranging from B.Com. to MBA, Exec MBA, and PhD. He has published research in many leading international journals on how markets shape the quality of life of consumers and small-scale entrepreneurs. His research studies have been conducted in many countries – US, Canada, India and developing countries like Zimbabwe, Uganda and Fiji. He has held roles as Associate Dean, Research Grant Development, Director of Masters programs in Marketing, and sat in steering committees of mission and strategy development and implementation. Before moving to Australia in 2010, Srinivas taught for several years at the Richard Ivey School of Business in Canada and at Indiana University in the USA. Srinivas obtained his PhD from Indiana University and his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from BITS Pilani.

10th International Conference
Topic: Contemporary Issues in Management

Agenda – 25th and 26th Feb 2022

Day 1 – 25th Feb 22
125th Feb 202210:00 AM to 10:20 AMInauguration and Conference Briefing
by Conference Chair
Dr Rony G. Kurien,
Dean ISME, Bangalore

10:20 AM to 10:30 AM


10.30 AM to 10.40 AM


10.40 AM to 11.00 AM

Inaugural Address:
Dr R. Nandagopal, Regional VP-South,
Dr. Anil Rao Paila
Past President, AIMS and Senior Dean
& Director, We School, Bangalore
Dr. Anand K.Joshi, Country policy
Advisor, ISDC Global London
311:00 AM to 11:05 AMRelease of Conference Proceedings
411.05 AM to 11.15 AMTea-Break
511:15 AM to 1:00 PMPre-Conference Workshop on
“Model Building and Developing
Research Hypothesis”
Dr.S. Suresh Kumar, CTO,
Brain Tower, Oman
61:00 PM to 1:45 PMLUNCH BREAK
72:00 PM to 2:30 PMKey Note Address
Dr Srinivas Sridharan,
Associate Professor of Marketing,
Monash University, Australia
82.30 PM to 3.00 PMKey Note Address
Dr Vasanthi Srinivasan,
Professor of OB & HR, and
Chairperson, Digital Learning, IIM
93.00 PM to 3.15 PMTea Break
103.15 PM to 4:45 PMPaper Presentation Tracks
126th Feb 219:30 AM to 9.45 AMWelcome Address
Prof. Nitin Garg,
Director, ISME
29.45 AM to 10.30 AMKey Note Address
Dr Jane Thomason.
Board Advisory, Non-Executive
Director, Block-Chain, DeFi & Frontier
Technology for Social Impact, Health
310.30 AM to 11.00 AMKey Note Address
Dr. Senthil Veeraraghavan,
Professor of Operations, Information
and Decisions, Wharton University of
411:00 AM to 11:15 AMTea-Break
511.15 AM to 12.45 PMPanel Discussion on
Future of Business Forecasting
Panel Members:
Dr.Satya Sidhartha Panda,
Head – T&D, Digital Transformation-
& Marketing, UTTR, India
Dr Latha Ramesh,
Professor &Coordinator,
Centre for Case Research and
Development, School of Business and
Management, Christ University
Mr Mohan Kumar, Practice Head
Wipro Limited
Mr.Ramesh Ranjan
Business Consultant & Executive
Moderator: Dr.S.Shyam Prasad,
Professor & COE, ISME
612.45 PM to 1:00 PMSummary of Discussions:
Dr. Manohar C, Director ,ISBR
71:00 PM to 1.45 PMLUNCH BREAK
82:00 PM to 4:30 PMPaper Presentations Tracks
94.30 PM to 4.40 PM


4.40 PM to 5.00 PM

Conference Summary Report
Dr.Meenakumari, HOD-Research
ISME, Conference Co-Chair
Certificate Distribution
105.00 PM onwardsNetworking & High Tea



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