Industrial Visit to Starragheckert

                         Industrial visit to Starragheckert

On the 9th of this month, our students took part in an industrial visit to “StarragHeckert India”. It was headed by Professor Krishnan, and was a very knowledgeable experience for everyone one of us.
Starragheckert is an undertaking by the ‘Starrag’ group. Starrag Group is a global technology leader in manufacturing high-precision machine tools for milling, turning, boring and grinding work pieces of metallic and composite materials.
Their clientele includes  internationally active companies in the Aerospace, Transport, Industrial sectors. In addition to its portfolio of machine tools, Starrag Group provides integrated technology and maintenance services that significantly enhance customer productivity.
A brief ppt presentation was showed to us that gave us the general idea about the company. Next our students were given a tour by the company’s very best. It included demonstrations to the actual functioning of the machines. From their quality control department, it was clear the company strived for perfection.
Lastly there was an interactive session in the end, where our curious minds  got all their questions answered by the company professionals.

All in all it was a very informative tour. We thank Professor Krishnan and Mr Chandra Mouli for arranging it.

By: Sanmeet Dighe

Hey! I am Riya... Your Admission Assistant.