Upon entering the factory premises, we were welcomed by their Mr. S Purushothaman who is the Manager Assembly at Makino.The day started with a detailed presentation about Makino group by Mr.Kaipa Padmana General Manager Operations further Mr. Purushothaman guided us through the factory explaining how the entire manufacturing operations take place, the very first thing that impressed us was the cleanliness of the factory shop floor. It was absolutely spic and span with smartly dressed workers performing their duties. First of all, we were shown by our guide the completed EDM machine which was being tested. We also found that all the controls in the machines being manufactured are automated with computerized controls, thus reducing the amount of work and error that an employee does.
The industrial visit was a great learning experience for all of us as we came to know how management functions in real life situations and how the management concepts studied in our college are practiced in reality. This trip also helped us in gaining invaluable knowledge about how a company works to achieve high quality error free production continuously. On the whole the industrial visit was a highly educative one allowing the students to learn to deal with real life situations in the managerial field. | ||
Souvagya Ranjan