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Guest lecture on “Corporate expectations” by Ms. Priya Manoj in ISME, Bangalore

11th May 2012.Ms. Priya Manoj is the director and principal consultant, a senior HR professional with 18 years of experience in Sales and Human Resources. She started her career with HCL- Hewlett Packard in the sales functions. She has also worked as an HR practitioner in ICICI prudential. She has an experience of working in different organizations across the world practicing different HR functions. She excels in senior leadership coaching and development planning.

The session was very enriching. The focus of the lecture was on preparing students for the corporate. The session started with a video that energized each and everyone. She involved everybody that converted the lecture into an interactive session. In today’s competitive world, it is not so easy to be recognized. The most important thing is how you project yourself and how you brand yourself. This quality differentiates a person from rest of the people.

She discussed a very nice example of a sales person. The learning from the example was that how you create an opportunity for yourself and how to make a good customer relation. To be a successful professional, the most important thing that a person should focus on is identifying his/ her strengths and skills that differentiate that particular person from others. The person should also practice those skills to be the master on that. It is very important to be excellent in all functional areas. But process that should be adopted is to start with one functional area and being expert on that.

She also cleared the concept of employability. Employability is all about doing a job when you are satisfied with it and with your work environment and delivering your best to your organization rather than doing a job just for the money. To excel in work, a person must have domain knowledge. He/ she should have the knowledge of industry and market demand that a company expects from a candidate. This knowledge can be enhanced by doing a lot of research.

Ending the session, she also discussed the importance of HR in an organization. Like all other functional areas, HR is also important and valuable. HR is the basic building block of an organization. HR function is not only confined to recruitment process but also includes all the processes from managing people to managing the organization and helping to increase the profits of the organization.

Last but not the least, the session ended with an inspirational video highlighting on the point that “If you are determined to not give up, you cannot fail”.

By: Jyoti Gupta

ISME, Bangalore

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