Debate competition, 5th October, 2010.

A debate competition was organized by academics club of ISME on 5th October, 2010. Forty participants were divided into three teams and  debated on the topics “Is democracy an appropriate political system for India?”, “Does PGPM require a 2 years academics program with the semester system?” and “Should there be qualification for an elected representative?” The event was conducted in the auditorium and the college classrooms.

Puja Dev bagged the first position for the topic “Is democracy an appropriate political system for India?” the first position was bagged by Puja Dev. The second spot was a tie between Krishna and Vandana with Sarpreet at the third position.
Sudeep Singh and Shruti shared the honours for the topic  “Does PGPM requires 2 years academics program with the semester system”. Hardik secured the second position and third position was awarded to Paromita. Priyanka Joel and Deepak Bhagchandani won the first and the second prize for the topic “Should there be qualification for an elected representative.”  There was a tie for third position between Puneet Gupta and Shashank.
Active participation of participants, the audience and the full support of faculty members made the event successful and enlightening.
By: Saurabh Gupta
Hey! I am Riya... Your Admission Assistant.