CII Conference: Industrial Relations

                                                                                      Prof HS Mishra
Confederation of Indian Industry organized a one day conference on the topic “Industrial Relations during Business volatility” at Hotel Taj West End Bangalore on 27 Sep at 10 AM. The event was attended by corporate, academicians and students. I attended the conference as ISME representative.
The conference had 3 technical sessions chaired by industry experts, labour commissioner of Karnataka Government, senior officials of Trade Union and Director of Industrial Relations Institute of India. The focus of conference was how to improve the employee relations as well as productivity. The following important issues were highlighted
1.      Think globally and act locally.
2.      Management has to treat employee as  family members.
3.      Increased communication and interaction between manager and workers
4.      Contract labour employment is providing competitive advantage and is need of the hour. Give them equal wages and benefits.
5.      Develop practices for employee engagement and motivation
6.      Do not restrict formation of trade union and involve them while taking major decisions.
Several practical examples and experiences were shared. Employee engagement practices of Bosch, TVS Motors, L&T Komatsu and Toyota were highly appreciated. After every session there was Q& A session. After deliberating current issues on industrial relations, the conference concluded at 5 PM
Hey! I am Riya... Your Admission Assistant.