Robert Anson Heinlein was an American science fiction writer. He was one of the most influential and controversial authors of the genre in his time.He won the Hugo awards for four of his novels.
Read MoreAbstract: This article explains the concept of the Managerial Grid and the various styles of leadership as enunciated by the authors Blake and Mouton. This is a very effective and practical model to study leadership and many Organization Development programs are modeled on this theory. The article covers the concept of the Grid and explains […]
Read MoreAbstract People, whether located in city or village, buy products and consume them. They are all consumers. However, the locale has influence on their buying behaviour and some dissimilarities have been noticed in their purchase, decision making process and use of the products. This article dwells on the differences between the rural and the city […]
Read MoreFailure is a part of every one’s life. A person who says he has never failed has either never tried to do anything or is a blatant liar. Any successful person will admit he or she had their share of failures. But they became successful because of two reasons: one is they were able to […]
Read MoreAbstract- The staffing firms in India are rapidly growing and devising methods to meet the hiring demands of different sectors of Industry. The article will briefly cover the issues involved with contract and temporary staffing. Introduction Hiring continues to be a challenging job for Indian industry. In light of the current economic scenario, where the […]
Read MoreISME at Infosys On 10th of this month our students Naveen, Rajshekhar, Ravi, Sanmeet and Shruti had the distinct privilege to visit the Infosys campus. Located in the heart of electronic city, Banglore, the campus boosts of 80 acres and 30,000 employees.It is kaleidoscope of lush green grass, beautiful lakes to the modern and unique […]
Read MoreCultural Day and Diwali Celebrations If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. –John.F.Kennedy The cultural day at ISME was celebrated with pomp […]
Read MoreAbstract: This paper deals with the concept of Level-5 leadership, a theory postulated by Jim Collins in his seminal books-Built To last(1994) and the sequel Good to Great(2001). This paper focuses on the several paradigm shifts that Collins has, willy-nilly, forced us to confront. In his books he does not talk of paradigm shifts but […]
Read MoreABSTRACT: This article is based on the importance of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence and it importance for the management students. The write up is categorized into an introduction on Gardner’s theory and his eight criteria of intelligence followed by the objective of these intelligence. INTRODUCTION: Howard Gardner, from Harvard University propounded that “there are […]
Read MoreIndustrial visit to Starragheckert On the 9th of this month, our students took part in an industrial visit to “StarragHeckert India”. It was headed by Professor Krishnan, and was a very knowledgeable experience for everyone one of us. Starragheckert is an undertaking by […]
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